Noise aversion, sensitivity, and/or phobia is common in dogs of all ages. Common triggers of noise sensitivity in dogs include thunderstorms, fireworks, gun fire, the vacuum cleaner, among many others. Fear-based responses to these stimuli include anxiety, distress, fear, and panic.
Management of noise sensitivities and phobias is multimodal and plans may be different from pet to pet. Treatment plans often include environmental changes and behavior modification, and may also include pharmacologic interventions with medications and/or supplements.
Professional dog trainer Michelle Mullins, KPA CTP, CPDT-KSA shares more about dealing with noise sensitivity and phobia in dogs. Her discussion includes the general approach to desensitization and counterconditioning protocols, tools that can be helpful in alleviating stress and anxiety in affected pets, as well as how to optimize success in helping dogs overcome fear of specific noises. Michelle also offers suggestions on how to prevent noise fears and phobias from developing in puppies, her opinion on the use of body wraps for dogs with noise phobia, how to deal with dogs that react to noises humans cannot hear, how to acclimate dogs that are reactive to common household noises like the blender, computer sounds, etc., how to deal with the anxiety and panic when in the midst of a thunderstorm or during fireworks, and the challenges of dealing with thunderstorm phobias.
Running time: 30 mins
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